From Underwriter to Student then Personal Trainer, Business Owner, Account Manager and now a Financial Adviser. A 30 year career, so far!
From Underwriter to Student then Personal Trainer, Business Owner, Account Manager and now a Financial Adviser. A 30 year career, so far!
What did you used to do?
Martin Watkins – My first career was as an Underwriter and after several promotions and career moves, I left the industry and decided to travel and live abroad. Later, I went to University with the intention of finding work in the Film Industry.
What made you want to change?
I believe that in life you have to continually evolve and grow yourself, adapt to the challenges and changes. A career is not usually a linear ‘growth’ model as we were taught at school. Well, at least, it wasn’t for me!
How did you make a start?
Whilst trying to find work, I did some personal training, which I really enjoyed. I decided to pursue it more seriously and took a Masters in Sport & Exercise Biomechanics. Ironically, I ended up working on film sets as a Trainer and ended up training the Actors!
How did you go about it?
I was simultaneously working with several large corporates providing seminars and training around the importance of physical health and posture. Over time, this evolved into a new App start-up which I co-funded. Despite all my efforts it didn’t turn out to be as successful as I’d hoped.
What did you next?
I was really self-motivated and I don’t like going backwards. I didn’t want to return to generic health and fitness roles, so I decided it was time to change industry.
What were the challenges?
Finances, time and a real fear of failure!
However, I set about identifying my skills and passions and looked at what could be transferred across other industries. I looked at where I could add value and hit the ground running whilst retraining.
I considered Financial Services as I had worked in this industry before, and the answer I came up with was the role of Financial Adviser.
First and foremost, it required people and communication skills, it was an area welcoming new talent and you could earn while you learnt.
I won’t lie, with a young family, working full-time and studying in a fast moving industry had its challenges. But, it has definitely been the right move for me.
How long did it take?
I am into my 5th year now
What would you do differently?
What top tips would you give to someone who really wants to change career?
For anyone looking to change, I would suggest considering what are you good at, what has value and what can be transferred across?
Personally, I think the soft skills are so underrated and let’s be honest, there are so many careers where technical skills can be learnt more quickly than soft skills, which are the sum of your life experience.
So, for me using that was a “no-brainer”.