Remember your job does not define you, but how you do your job does. Having the right attitude, such as having a positive frame of mind and demonstrating a ‘can do’ attitude to those around you will also have a profound influence on the people you work with. There are times when you can’t control your situation, but you can always choose how you behave in it.
If you are one of those people who arrive in the office on a Monday morning complaining about the journey, or the weather, or about how fast the weekend went and how you’d rather be doing something else, think again. Not only will your negative attitude bring your colleagues around you down, but it will bring you down. Here’s how to start to love your job…
If you change your attitude and start reflecting a positive outlook, people will really notice. They will start to ask you about this “new you” and what’s changed? Make it your mission to see how many people you can influence. Get them involved in making your work place a better place to be. Start small, maybe just have a big clear out in the office and make it look and feel nicer. Rather than sitting at your desk with a sandwich every day try inviting your colleagues out for lunch.
Stop focusing on the money. We all live to our means and we will always want more– no matter how much we get. So stop using it as an excuse. It’s a well know fact that pay is not biggest motivator to being satisfied at work. Money may have attracted you to the job in the first place, but won’t keep you there. If you had an absolutely horrid job and was well paid for it, it would only be a matter of time until you would want to leave! Getting paid is only one small part of what you do; your work has to be more than just a payslip to be fulfilling. Love your job.
Think about the significance of what you do. Really think about your contribution and all positive things you have accomplished. Try to think back on why you took the job in the first place and how delighted you were when you got the job. Perspective plays a huge role in personal satisfaction. What impact could you make now in your job and within your organisation? Are there things you could actually change for the better and improve?
Everyone wants to know they are loved….. and work is no different.
Start to thank your colleagues and give them positive feedback. People want to be appreciated and told “well done!” and “good job!” You can create that culture in your office today – just watch it flourish and spread through the office and feel good about the reactions you get.
So, when you get up to go to work tomorrow, remember to put a big smile on your face and think about what a great day you are going to have and love your job!
Start to love your job!