Karin Timothy – Customer Services Manager for British Airways to Colour Therapist and Personal Stylist for the House of Colour Franchise
What did you used to do?
Until September 2017, I had worked for British Airways for 27 years. The majority of my career was spent as a frontline Customer Service Manager.
What made you want to change?
There were big changes taking place within the company and to the job as a whole. I had bought the House of Colour franchise in March 2017 and it was a lot to juggle.There was an offer of voluntary redundancy which gave me the opportunity to really make a go of my business.
How did you make a start?
It’s not so much how I made it start, rather more like it just happened! I had my own colour and style analysed and was amazed at the difference of not only how I looked but more importantly, how I felt.
What were the challenges?
The challenges are too long to list! When you start your business, you quickly begin to realise where your strengths and weaknesses lie. It’s also a time that you don’t necessarily have much money and therefore can’t afford to pay for other people’s expertise.
How long did it take?
Running your own business is constantly a work in progress. I’m coming to the 2nd anniversary of buying the franchise and my business is absolutely going from strength to strength. The majority of my clients are mainly referrals and I’m getting busier all the time. But you need to be mindful that it doesn’t happen overnight.
What would you do differently?
If I could do anything differently, it would probably be working on my planning abilities. Working 24 hour shifts for so many years and sometimes having last minute shift changes, made any kind of planning tricky. When you have your own business, you HAVE to plan because there’s only you to rely on!
What do you do now and what does that look like?
I am now a Colour Analyst and Personal stylist. This is from holding classes and events, to giving talks to schools and companies, to personal shopping and wardrobe de-cluttering. Very different to my previous career!
How has your life /work changed?
Work / life has changed in so many ways. I now dictate when I want to work, no more working shifts or Christmas Day and children’s holidays. Even though I work harder and probably longer hours, I feel much more present.
What top tips would you give to someone who really wants to change career?
Do something that you have a real passion for.
Identify your strengths and weaknesses
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
Be brave – the most amazing things happen when you leave your comfort zone!
If you want to change your career but not sure what you want to do or how to, go to the expert – Karen!