I love my job!
Why? Because it is completely aligned to my values, what’s important to me and what motivates me. My job compliments my qualities, skills, strengths and behaviors and therefore I am good at it. This results in job satisfaction for me every time I work with a client and watch them move forward in their career journey, whatever that may be. The more successful I am, the happier I am and therefore the cycle continues.
However, it wasn’t always that way. Like many, I got caught in the cycle of doing a job that was no longer making me happy. Yet, I would turn up and do my best and stay in my comfort zone of being safe, earning a salary, getting the job done and continuing on the same cycle. Gradually, the resentment started to creep in until I was dreading going to work and was no longer doing my best and not wanting to show up.
It’s so easy to get stuck in this cycle and eventually you feel trapped!
Does this resonate with you? Are you just ‘turning up for work’? Do you start to feel anxious on a Sunday evening about the week ahead? Do you dread Monday mornings? Are you waiting for something better to come knocking at your door? If this is you, it’s time to take action. But where do you start to find a job you’ll love?
You start at a place of love. What do you REALLY love doing? What inspires you? What skills do you really enjoy using? What gives you that buzz and peaks your interest? When was the last time you went home from work feeling great and that you really achieved something? This is where you need to start. Because this is what brings you joy. When we are spending most of our lives working, why shouldn’t we be enjoying it?!
Start to consider what are your values? What’s important to you in a job?
Whilst money will always be a motivator, research, along with my years of experience, shows me it’s rarely the no.1 priority. Things like location, flexible working hours, working environment, company culture and respect for example are very popular values. Understanding and recognising your values is essential. If they are not being met you will definitely not love your job.
Also consider your skills and strengths, the kind of people you like to work with, the things that interest you and your areas of expertise to get a clearer picture of what you really love.
Working with a Coach can help you to pull all of these things together in to a plan of action.
Recent research claims over half of the British workforce are unhappy in their jobs. If this is you – maybe it’s time to find a job you love?
However, if the answer is yes, then that’s awesome!
“Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life” – Confucius